Are You Entitled to Compensation? Find Out from an Alabama Airbag Lawsuit Lawyer for Free

Our lawyers represent victims of airbag-related injuries in Alabama and nationwide. If you or a loved one has been injured by an airbag, you may be entitled to significant financial compensation—and you will want to discuss your legal rights with an experienced Alabama airbag lawsuit lawyer right away.

4 Reasons to Talk to a Lawyer About Filing an Airbag Lawsuit

When can (and should) you talk to a lawyer about filing an airbag lawsuit? Our lawyers handle cases involving all causes of airbag-related injuries. We may be able to seek just compensation on your behalf if:

  • Your airbag failed to deploy during an accident
  • Your airbag deployed too late to protect you from serious injuries
  • Your airbag only partially inflated and failed to protect you
  • Your airbag exploded instead of deploying properly

We also handle cases involving fatal airbag-related injuries. If you have lost a loved one in an auto accident involving an airbag failure, we offer our sincere condolences, and we strongly encourage you to contact us for help in this scenario as well. Learn more about how we help families in cases involving airbag deaths.

FAQs: Filing an Airbag Lawsuit in Alabama

Can You Get Compensation for Airbags Not Deploying?

Yes, if you or a loved one has suffered injuries due to airbag non-deployment, you may have a claim against the vehicle’s manufacturer. An Alabama airbag lawsuit lawyer at our firm can assess your legal rights and fight to recover just compensation on your behalf.

Who is Eligible for a Takata Airbag Settlement?

Anyone who has suffered serious injuries (or who has lost a loved one to fatal injuries) caused by a Takata airbag may be eligible to receive a Takata airbag settlement. To find out if you have a claim (and to find out how much you may be entitled to recover), contact us today.

How Many People Were Injured By Takata Airbags?

To date, Takata’s defective airbags have been blamed for at least 400 injuries and 28 deaths. However, as millions of vehicles on America’s roads are still equipped with defective Takata airbags, both of these numbers are likely to continue to rise.

What if I was Injured by a Takata Airbag in Alabama?

If you were injured by a Takata airbag in Alabama, you should schedule a free consultation with an Alabama airbag lawsuit lawyer as soon as possible. It costs nothing to learn about your legal rights; and, if you have a claim for an airbag defect, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other injury-related losses.

Schedule a Free Consultation with an Alabama Airbag Lawsuit Lawyer Today

Are you entitled to financial compensation for your (or your loved one’s) airbag-related injuries? Contact us to find out for free. Call 866-247-2247 or tell us how we can reach you online to schedule a free consultation with an Alabama airbag lawsuit lawyer today.