Internal Injuries Caused by Airbags

Learn About Common Airbag Injuries and Their Costs from an Experienced Airbag Lawyer

While airbags are supposed to help keep you safe during a crash, it is not unusual for airbags to cause injuries instead. This includes internal injuries, which are often difficult to detect right away. With this in mind, if you are experiencing pain or any other symptoms after a crash involving airbag deployment, you should see a doctor promptly to find out if you have suffered any common airbag injuries.

If your doctor diagnoses you with an airbag injury, you should also talk to an airbag lawyer about your legal rights. If you have been harmed by a defective airbag, you may be entitled to financial compensation from the vehicle’s manufacturer. An experienced airbag lawyer will be able to assess your legal rights; and, if you have a claim, your lawyer will be able to fight for just compensation on your behalf.

Common Internal Injuries from Defective Airbags

When can you seek just compensation for harm caused by a defective airbag? The following are all common airbag injuries that can justify claims for just compensation:

Collapsed Lungs

A collapsed lung is a painful and potentially serious injury that can result from defective airbag deployment. A collapsed lung occurs when air escapes from the lung into the space between the lung and the chest wall. This air then puts pressure on the outside of the lung, preventing it from expanding normally during breathing.
While collapsed lungs are generally treatable, they can be life-threatening in some cases. In most cases, treatment involves using a needle or tube to remove the air outside of the lung. Chest pain accompanied by shortness of breath may be symptomatic of a collapsed lung—and may signify the need for prompt medical intervention.

Internal Bleeding

Internal bleeding typically results from blunt force trauma to the body that causes internal damage without tearing, scraping or rupturing the skin. In cases involving defective airbag deployment, internal bleeding can signify a variety of common airbag injuries. Internal bleeding can result from damage inside of the chest cavity or abdomen, and it can potentially lead to serious complications if left untreated.

Common symptoms of internal bleeding include feeling weak or lightheaded, experiencing a decrease in blood pressure, and shortness of breath. Individuals who have severe internal bleeding after a vehicle collision involving airbag deployment may also go into shock. Treatment options depend on the specific internal injury involved, though surgery will be necessary in many cases.

Neck Injuries

Neck injuries are extremely common airbag injuries, particularly in cases involving improper airbag deployment. Inside of the neck are bundles of nerves, muscles, soft tissue and blood vessels that are all extremely prone to injury in the event of a serious collision. While airbags are supposed to help prevent neck trauma by cushioning the head and preventing whiplash, airbags can be the primary cause of neck injuries if they either: (i) fail to deploy (or deploy too late); or, (ii) explode with extreme force instead of deploying safely.

In terms of severity, neck injuries can vary widely. In some cases, rest and recuperation may be enough for an accident victim to make a full recovery. In others, invasive treatment (including surgery) may be necessary to address life-altering or life-threatening risks. As with all other types of common airbag injuries, treatment can be costly, and this is one of several reasons why it is important to speak with an experienced airbag lawyer promptly.

Neck Injuries

Neck injuries are extremely common airbag injuries, particularly in cases involving improper airbag deployment. Inside of the neck are bundles of nerves, muscles, soft tissue and blood vessels that are all extremely prone to injury in the event of a serious collision. While airbags are supposed to help prevent neck trauma by cushioning the head and preventing whiplash, airbags can be the primary cause of neck injuries if they either: (i) fail to deploy (or deploy too late); or, (ii) explode with extreme force instead of deploying safely.

In terms of severity, neck injuries can vary widely. In some cases, rest and recuperation may be enough for an accident victim to make a full recovery. In others, invasive treatment (including surgery) may be necessary to address life-altering or life-threatening risks. As with all other types of common airbag injuries, treatment can be costly, and this is one of several reasons why it is important to speak with an experienced airbag lawyer promptly.

Organ Damage or Failure

The physical forces involved with an airbag’s deployment can be more than enough to cause internal organ damage—and this damage can lead to failure in some cases. While damage to the lungs, stomach, kidneys and other internal organs can be surgically repaired in many circumstances, prompt diagnosis and medical intervention can be critical for mitigating the risk of serious complications.
Severe localized pain may be symptomatic of organ damage after airbag deployment. Difficulty breathing, loss of bowel or bladder function, and other indications that your internal organs may not be functioning properly could be signs of failure—and they signify the need to see a doctor right away.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue injuries include damage to the muscles, ligaments and tendons throughout the body. These injuries can range from sprains and strains to complete tears—for which surgery will usually be necessary. These are extremely common airbag injuries; and, while they are generally treatable, they can lead to a variety of financial and non-financial costs.
Pain, weakness, limited strength and limited mobility are all common signs of airbag-related soft tissue injuries. If you are experiencing these symptoms in the arms, shoulders, chest, neck or back after a vehicle collision involving airbag deployment, you should see a doctor promptly in this scenario as well.

Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI)

Damage to the spinal cord caused by defective airbag deployment can be life-altering in many cases. While some types of spinal cord injuries (SCI) are treatable, others will have lifelong effects. If you are suffering from back pain or dealing with limited back mobility after a crash, you should see a doctor and talk to an airbag lawyer as soon as possible.

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are also common internal injuries caused by airbag defects. These injuries can also range widely in terms of their severity—from concussions that will heal on their own to life-threatening TBI that require emergency surgery. As with other types of common airbag injuries, a prompt diagnosis is essential, as this will allow you to make informed decisions about both taking care of your medical needs and asserting your legal rights.

Discuss Your Legal Rights with an Experienced Airbag Lawyer for Free

Are you dealing with internal injuries caused by airbag deployment? If so, we strongly encourage you to contact us for more information. To discuss your legal rights with an experienced airbag lawyer in confidence, call 866-247-2247 or request a free consultation online today.