Get the Help You Need from an Experienced Austin Defective Airbag Lawyer at No Out-of-Pocket Cost

Seeking just compensation for airbag-related injuries requires experienced legal representation. As a result, if you or a loved one has been injured by an airbag, you should talk to an Austin defective airbag lawyer as soon as possible. We handle all airbag injury claims at no out-of-pocket cost to our clients, and our clients pay nothing at all unless we win.

Filing a Claim for Airbag-Related Injuries in Austin, TX

Filing a claim for airbag-related injuries starts with proving that your (or your loved one’s) airbag was defective. This requires a thorough investigation—and this investigation should take place as soon after the accident as possible. If an investigation reveals that you have a claim, then the next steps in the process will include:

  • Calculating just compensation for your present and future financial costs resulting from the airbag failure (i.e., medical bills and lost income).
  • Calculating just compensation for your present and future non-financial costs resulting from the airbag failure (i.e., pain and suffering, emotional trauma, and permanent scarring or disfigurement).
  • Filing your claim with your (or your loved one’s) vehicle’s manufacturer.
  • Negotiating for a settlement that fairly compensates you for your financial and non-financial losses.
  • Taking your airbag defect claim to court if a fair settlement offer is not on the table.

When you hire an Austin defective airbag lawyer at our firm, your lawyer will take all of these steps on your behalf. Your lawyer will also stay in close contact with you throughout the process; and, if your lawyer receives a settlement offer on your behalf, your lawyer will help you decide whether to accept or keep fighting for more.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Much Does a Lawyer Get from a Car Accident Settlement in Texas?

Each lawyer sets his or her own contingency fees for car accident cases involving airbag defects. If you hire an Austin defective airbag lawyer to seek a settlement, your lawyer will disclose his or her fees during your free consultation.

How Much Are People Getting from the Auto Airbag Settlement?

Class action auto airbag settlements typically only compensate eligible claimants for expenses associated with airbag replacement. If you or a loved one has suffered airbag-related injuries, you will need to hire a lawyer to file a lawsuit of your own.

What is the Average Settlement for Airbags Not Deploying?

The insurance companies keep settlement amounts confidential, so it is not possible to provide an accurate “average” figure. However, this doesn’t really matter, because the value of your airbag non-deployment claim is entirely unique to you.

How Do You File an Airbag Injury Claim in Austin, TX?

Filing an airbag injury claim involves hiring a lawyer to sue your (or your loved one’s) vehicle manufacturer on your behalf. If you think you may have a claim, you will want to speak with an Austin defective airbag lawyer as soon as possible.

Schedule a Free Consultation with an Austin Defective Airbag Lawyer Today

Are you entitled to financial compensation for injuries caused by a defective airbag? To find out for free, call 866-247-2247 or request a free consultation online today.