Our Plano Airbag Defect Attorney Can Help You Seek the Compensation You Deserve

Airbag defects can cause serious injuries. Many victims’ lives are never the same; and, tragically, some victims lose their lives due to issues that could—and should—have been avoided. If you or a loved one suffered injuries caused by a defective airbag, you will want to speak with a Plano airbag defect attorney about your legal rights as soon as possible.

Common Airbag Defects

While airbags are supposed to help keep us safe, tens of millions of airbags have been recalled due to safety issues over the past 10 years in the U.S. alone. Some of the most common airbag defects cited in these recalls include:

  • Defective airbag electronics
  • Defective airbag inflators
  • Defective impact sensors
  • Defective ON/OFF Sensors
  • Defective design or manufacture resulting in corrosion
  • Use of unsafe chemicals
  • Use of unsafe airbag materials

These defects can cause a wide range of serious injuries, and these injuries can leave victims and their families facing significant financial and non-financial costs. We help victims and their families recover just compensation for these costs, and we provide our legal representation at no out-of-pocket cost to our clients.

Q&A with Plano Airbag Defect Attorney David P. Willis

How Do I Sue for Faulty Airbags?

If you need to sue for faulty airbags, you will want to speak with a Plano airbag defect attorney as soon as possible. There are both several steps you need to take and several mistakes you need to avoid, so it is extremely important to put an experienced attorney on your side.

How Much Are People Getting from the Auto Airbag Settlement?

There have been multiple auto airbag settlements, each of which involve different settlement amounts. However, if you need to seek financial compensation for injuries caused by an airbag defect, you will need to file a lawsuit of your own. Our firm handles these lawsuits on a contingency-fee basis, which means our clients pay nothing unless we win. In every case we handle, we focus on recovering maximum compensation for our client’s losses.

Who Do I Contact if My Airbags Didn’t Deploy?

If your airbags didn’t deploy and you are now dealing with airbag-related injuries you should contact a Plano airbag defect attorney promptly. You may be entitled to financial compensation for your repair bills, medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other losses, and an experienced attorney will be able to help you seek the full compensation you deserve.

How Much Will a Plano Airbag Defect Attorney Charge Me?

Our attorneys handle all airbag defect cases on a contingency-fee basis. We will discuss our contingency fees with you during your free initial consultation.

Do You Have an Airbag Defect Claim? Contact Us for a Free Consultation Today

If you need to know more about filing a lawsuit for injuries caused by an airbag defect, we invite you to get in touch. To arrange a free, no-obligation consultation as soon as possible, call 866-247-2247 or tell us how we can reach you online now.