Do You Have a Claim? Speak with a Fort Worth Airbag Deployment Injuries Lawyer About Your Legal Fights

If you have suffered injuries caused by airbag deployment during a vehicle collision, you may have a claim against your vehicle’s manufacturer. Millions of vehicles sold in the U.S. have been equipped with defective airbags; and, when manufacturers sell defective products, they can—and should—be held accountable. In this scenario, the first step toward seeking financial compensation is to speak with a Fort Worth airbag deployment injuries lawyer, and you should schedule a free consultation as soon as possible.

Common Airbag Deployment Injuries

Our lawyers handle cases involving all types of airbag deployment injuries. This includes, but is not limited to, common injuries such as:

  • Arm injuries
  • Chest injuries
  • Eye, nose and ear Injuries
  • Severe lacerations and burns
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)

These injuries (among others) can lead to substantial out-of-pocket costs, and they can leave accident victims facing long and difficult roads to recovery. This makes it critical to speak with an attorney about filing a claim for just compensation. A Fort Worth airbag deployment injuries attorney at our firm can explain everything you need to know; and, if you have a claim, we will handle your claim at no out-of-pocket cost to you.

Q&A with an Experienced Fort Worth Airbag Deployment Injuries Lawyer

What Are the Injuries Associated with Airbag Deployment?

Injuries associated with airbag deployment commonly include collapsed lungs, internal bleeding, broken bones, nerve damage, soft tissue injuries, concussions, and other types of TBI. Facial injuries (including injuries to the eyes, nose and ears) are common as well. Many victims of airbag deployment failures also suffer severe lacerations and burns, and these injuries will often cause permanent scarring or disfigurement.

What is the Average Settlement for Airbags Not Deploying?

No law firm can provide an accurate average settlement amount for airbags not deploying because information on all airbag settlements is not publicly available. But, in our experience, settlement amounts have the potential to be substantial, and an experienced Fort Worth airbag deployment injuries lawyer at our firm can help ensure that you are seeking the maximum compensation available in your case.

Does Insurance Cover Accidental Airbag Deployment?

Insurance covers accidental airbag deployment, but not like you might think. If you have a claim for injuries caused by a defective airbag, you will need to file your claim against the vehicle’s manufacturer. The manufacturer will then turn your claim over to its insurance company.

How Do You File a Claim for Airbag Deployment Injuries?

Filing a claim for airbag deployment injuries in Fort Worth starts with hiring an experienced lawyer to represent you. Your lawyer will be able to file your airbag defect claim on your behalf and then use his or her experience to fight for the financial compensation you deserve.

Contact Us to Schedule a Free Consultation Today

Do you need to know more about filing a claim for airbag deployment injuries? If so, we invite you to get in touch. To schedule a free consultation, give us a call at 866-247-2247 or tell us how we can reach you online today.